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Updated June 6, 2024

2024 Roster

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​​​​​8-1-2024 Meeting

There were three guests in attendance:

Michael Fredell

Jim Foreman

Allen Martin

Welcome and God Bless


Prayer Requests:

Ken Casey - Back

Hollie - Hip

Ann Trotter

John Trotter - Job


Tammy Prince - Sinus Infection

Our Country

Wanda Diggs - Arm



Prayer Requests

Ken Casey - Back Surgery

Praise report for Jim Pittman's good blood work results

Pray for Vance - Thyroid and EEG

Keith Sandford - Accident


New Member

Welcome new member Jordan Smith - Glad to have you 



Annual club banquet at Greg's house.

Check your email for more information.



Ron Lowe fished as a Guest, glad to have you, Ron.



All Officers were re-elected to serve another year. Thank you.


Prayer Requests

Dr. Horsley - Mission trip to Dominican Republic

Al Roundtree - Hip Surgery Recovery

Jerry Shawver Sr. - Blood Clotting

Jerry Shawver - Shoulder

Ray - Mom and Granddaughter

John Portie



Herb - Varicose Veins

Political prisoner Paul Whelan... We need to bring him home.

Keep him in prayer also.



Dr. Horsley

Dale Ross



Prayer requests
Vance, Al, Jim, Jordan Hanna (Brian's Son)



Everett & Chad Hunter (Glad to have you).


May 20th - Wolfson's Tournament
Charlie and Bobby fished Wolfson’s VIP tournament Friday.

They had a limit of 10.92lbs with one kicker of 5.67lbs.

The main tournament, Saturday, they had a limit of 10.42lbs. 

May 4th
Much appreciation to Robbie for bringing lures to give to the members.
Thank you.

April 22nd
Congratulations to Ryan Montgomery for coming in 10th in the Save Rodman Reservoir Tournament. 

We had a guest, Bobby Sadowsky. He weighed in 16.69 pounds. Great job.
Please join us again.

​February 2nd
Club Meeting
New members voted in were Kevin Sandford and Jim Pittman.
Welcome to the club, we are happy to have you.
Guest - Josh Thornton (Welcome Josh, we hope you join us).


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